Audio Upload 6 The Flatmates Episode 58: A complaint


Audio 1

Tatiana as Tim

Yerty as Costumer

Audio 2

Yerty as Tim

Tatiana as Costumer

Tim: How can I help you sir?
Customer: It’s about this watch.
Tim: What seems to be the problem?
Customer: The alarm doesn’t work and the strap leaves a green mark on my wrist when I take it off.
Tim: Have you worn the watch in the shower perhaps sir?
Customer: No and I only bought it two weeks ago. It’s still under guarantee but I must say, for the amount of money I paid for it, I’m very disappointed.
Tim: I’m so sorry you’ve been inconvenienced. Would you like a refund?
Customer: No, I’d rather have the watch replaced please.
Tim: Right, well, I’ll just take down your purchasing details and we’ll get this watch changed for you in no time at all.

Audio Upload 5 The Flatmates Episode 41: Tickets for lunch

Audio 1

Tatiana as Tim

Yerty as Costumer

Audio 2

Yerty as Tim

Tatiana as Costumer

Tim: Yeah and just tidy up that display now. Oh good morning madam.
Customer: Hello. It’s nice to see you on this side of the counter for a change.
Tim: Yes, I’ve been promoted. I’m an Assistant Manager now!
Customer: Oh does your ambition know no bounds? Congratulations!
Tim: Thank you. Now how can I help you today?
Customer: It’s more about how I can help you. I’ve got the option of some World Cup tickets and, quelle suprise, football bores me silly. Would you care for them?
Tim: I’d love them! But I could never afford them.
Customer: Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Just keep a gal company over lunch some time soon and they’re yours for nothing…

Audio upload 4 The Flatmates Epidose 40: Right or wrong?

Audio 1

Tatiana as Michal

Yerty as Helen

Audio 2

Yerty as Michal

Tatiana as Helen

Michal: You did what?
Helen: I had to Michal. I had no choice.
Michal: Haven’t you got any morals? You know that you’re supposed to stick to your friends.
Helen: How could I? He cheated. The professor knew. She had me over a barrel.
Michal: How you say in English? ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’? You didn’t turn out to be a very good friend, did you?
Helen: Listen Michal …
Michal: No, you listen for a change. You’re selfish and two-faced Helen. It makes me worry about what you’re saying about me behind my back. Now, leave me alone. I don’t ever want to speak to you again!
Helen: Oh no Michal!

Audio upload 3 The Flatmates Epidose 25: Planning a meal

Audio 1

Tatiana as Michal

Yerty as Helen

Audio 2

Yerty as Michal

Tatiana as Helen

Michal: Alice was only helping me!
Helen: I’m sorry Michal, I didn’t mean to fly off the handle. What’s wrong?
Michal: I was just telling Alice I wanted to eat better but that I didn’t know how to cook any of my favourite dishes.
Helen: Mm, let’s think about this. I know! Chinese New Year is coming up soon. Why don’t we make a special Chinese-Polish dinner together! We’ll both do research, find typical recipes, buy all the ingredients.
Michal: And cook a meal together! You do the main course, and I’ll make the pudding!
Helen: Sounds like a perfect second date, don’t you think?

Audio upload 2 The Flatmates Epidose 14: Tim strikes it rich

Audio 1

Tatiana as Tim

Yerty as Costumer

Audio 2

Yerty as Tim

Tatiana as Costumer

Tim: Can I help you madam?
Customer: I’m looking for a man’s watch.
Tim: Well we have a sumptuous selection here: sports, evening, everyday watches. Do you see anything you like?
Customer: Oh, I rather like that one.
Tim: Impeccable taste, madam. Now, just take it over to the cash till there and they’ll wrap it up for you.
Customer: Thank you, goodbye.
Tim: Goodbye…Oh, you’ve dropped something madam. Madam! Oh she’s gone. Let’s see 50, 100, 150 pounds! Well you know what they say Tim, a fool and her money..

Audio Upload 1 The flatmates Episode 5: Helen at home

Audio 1

Tatiana as Helen

Yerty as Mum

Audio 2

Yerty as Helen

Tatiana as Mum

Helen: Hello?
Mum: Hello? Helen? It’s mum here. How are you my dear? Studying hard? You know how much your degree means to your father and me.
Helen: I was studying before you phoned me! Listen, I need your advice. I’m in love! But he doesn’t even notice me. He only has eyes for Alice. What can I do?
Mum: Love? Love! There’s plenty of time for that later. Get your head out of the clouds and back into your books. Do you hear me?
Helen: Yes, yes mum.

Audio Upload 12 The flatmates episode 112: A proposition

Audio 1

Yerty as: Janet

Joaquin as: Tim

Audio 2

Yerty as: Tim

Joaquin as: Janet

Janet: Sorry?
Tim : I said ‘I’ve always seen myself as a bit of a self-made man’.
Janet: So a guy who’s not afraid of hard work.
Tim: Exactly! It’s just that there hasn’t been much hard work around lately.
Janet: Well, what if I told you you’re wrong?
Tim: I’d love to be wrong about that.
Janet: Well, a dear friend of mine is retiring and heading off to the sun. He’s looking for someone to take over the reins of his small business. And I thought you might just be the man for the job.
Tim: But how could I? I mean, I’d need some money to start with. How would I do it? A business all of my own?
Janet: Tim. What do you say?

Audio Upload 11 The flatmates episode 101: Smoking in the loo

Audio 1

Yerty as: Khalid

Joaquin as: Tim

Audio 2

Yerty as: Tim

Joaquin as: Khalid

Tim: Hurry up in there.
Khalid: I’ll be out in a minute.
Tim: Oh, it stinks in here. Khalid, have you been smoking?
Khalid: Yeah but just a quick puff.
Tim: It doesn’t matter how tiny it is, you can’t smoke here.
Khalid: Why not? It’s not as if I’m smoking in the kitchen or the sitting room where is everyone.
Tim: Rules is rules mate. Cigarettes aren’t allowed and that’s that.
Khalid: It’s just cos you haven’t got a job, you’re hanging around the house spying on me.
Tim: I’m not. I’m just trying to save you the grief of the health lecture from Nurse Alice!
Khalid: Thanks Tim. I’ll put the kettle on for us both, OK?

Audio Upload 10 The flatmates Episode 96: Babysitting

Audio 1:

Joaquin as: Alice

Yerty as: Ellie

Audio 2:

Joaquin as: Ellie

Yerty as: Alice

Alice: Well it’s almost bedtime. Time for you to go upstairs.
Ellie: I don’t want to go to bed. I want to stay down here with you.
Alice: Well you know I’d love to have your company.
Ellie: Then let me stay down and watch TV.
Alice: Ellie, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. You have to get up for school in the morning.
Ellie: School? I hate school!
Alice: I’m sure you don’t.
Ellie: I do. I hate school and I hate bed. You can’t make me go upstairs.
Alice: Oh I think I can.
Ellie: No you can’t. You’re not my mummy. You can’t make me do anything. I hate you!

Audio Upload 9 The flatmates Episode 83: The rent

Audio 1

Joaquin as: Helen

Yerty as: Helen’s dad

Audio 2

Joaquin as: Helen’s dad

Yerty as: Helen

Helen: Dad, Khalid likes the room, and he wants to move in, but he wants to know if you can knock a bit off the rent.
Helen’s dad: Helen, you know I can’t allow it. Everybody has to pay the same.
Helen: I know dad, but we put the advert in the Gazette for 2 weeks, and he’s the only person who’s anywhere near suitable. It’s going to cost a fortune if you have to keep advertising.
Helen’s dad: But why couldn’t you find anybody through the ad?
Helen: I don’t know dad, I can’t make people call. All I know is, Khalid’s just right for the room, but if you want him to move in, you’ll have to let him have a discount.
Helen’s dad: Well, I suppose I could let him have a small reduction. But what are you going to say to Alice and Tim?